Thursday, August 4, 2011

Outside In

Apparently a lot of the books I'm reading right now are sequels or follow-ups in some way.  Back in May I read Inside Out.  Finally the sequel Outside In came in at the library and I got a chance to read it.

It's hard for me to review this book without giving away what happened in the previous book and that would make me a jerk.  Just know that this time instead of the Insiders trying to find a way out of their home it seems that someone else is trying to get in.  I can't really give more details than that.  The book was good because it jumped into the action more quickly than the previous one (I'm guessing because readers are already familiar with the world), but gave enough details for me to remember the things I'd forgotten.  I quite enjoyed the book, but I hope it's the last one.  Book series sometimes exhaust me because once I've started I feel like I'm supposed to finish and then I spend so much time waiting for books to come out and it's frustrating.  Maybe I'll become one of those people that doesn't read series until all the books are out.  Anyway, give this series a try.  It's a good one. 

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