Thursday, August 4, 2011


I apologize in advance for the fact that I haven't blogged my books lately (I went through many rather quickly while I was home) so I'm trying to catch up all in one day.

Before I tell you my thoughts on Tweak let me just warn you.  This book is not for kids and maybe not even for teenagers.  It's real life in all it's grittiness and problems and that's not what I particularly want kids exposed to (at least not this kind of real life).

Awhile ago I read Beautiful Boy by David Sheff about his son's addiction to meth.  This is the son, Nic's, story from his own point of view.  It was certainly interesting to get the different views on the same basic events.  I really enjoyed the way Nic writes.  He seems to just tell his story the way he might tell it to you in person and uses memories as he thinks of them to fill in the back story.  I enjoyed this book, but I'm extremely frustrated at the same time.  Without giving away everything I'll just say that Nic's story doesn't have the easiest happy ending of all.  It's hard to "watch" someone you've become connected with through their story follow addictive behaviors and mess up their life.  This book has some sex and explicit details of drug use so truly be careful with the audience, including yourself if you're sensitive to these things.  Also following along with the tone of a young guy telling his own story the language is not exactly the cleanest.  

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