Friday, February 18, 2011


People who know my reading preferences know that while I really enjoy fantasy I prefer it to be grounded in reality. Take Harry Potter, for example. I love the magic and the fact that it can exist in the real world too.

This was not that kind of book, but I was ok with it. It was a little weird at times and definitely different, but I liked it. It's about a girl Kezi and her adventure when she meets the 17 year old god of the winds, Olus. There's very much a Greek mythology feel to this story, but you probably won't guess where it's going even if you know those tales well. One thing that definitely interested me about this story was the idea of the little g god. I don't feel like going into that whole concept right now if you don't already know what it means, but it catches my attention none the less. It's definitely no Ella Enchanted, but Ever is a good quick read worth the small time investment.

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