Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Going Bovine

I've been reading this book for awhile. To be fair, it's a sizeable book, but I had some trouble getting into it. I kept reading, though. I've read other books by Libba Bray and enjoyed them (the A Great and Terrible Beauty series) so I thought I'd probably like this one. It's about this boy named Cameron that gets mad cow disease then breaks out of the hospital to go on a mission to save the planet (he's sent by a punk-rock angel named Dulcie). He takes the dwarf named Gonzo that shares his room at the hospital and runs into some other crazy characters (including a lawn gnome named Balder) along the way. The book is weird. The whole time you kind of have an idea that he might be hallucinating everything (because it is so trippy), but you never can be sure. Then in the end there is no clear explanation. It's understandable enough what's going on, but the ending is not satisfying. I probably wouldn't recommend this book to anyone - it's not awful but there are more interesting and better things out there to read.

Content note: There is a lot of swearing and some sexual activity (not too explicit) in this book.

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